Monday 13 May 2013

Go: Interfaces and Type Assertion

Hot on the heals of my last post, I feel I have to share a little trick I just discovered about type assertions. While it is documented within the language specs I handn't really seen anyone talk about this in a formal manner until coming across a post in the Go mailing list.

In the pursuit of implementing Scheme-like functional behaviour in Go in order to solve some exercises in SICP I discovered a problem: Scheme is dynamically typed and it's internal data structures (cons, list) allow for mixed types. While this is obviously handy it creates some problems, most important of which is type safety. Thankfully, Go provides an awesome way to handle this: an empty interface.

Go's implementation of interfaces is awesome. It might be a bit foreign to those who come from other languages with interfaces, like Java, where you have to specifically state that an object implements an interface. No so in Go. If you want an object to implement an interface just implement it. Objects can then be used anywhere that accepts that interface. You don't need to explicitly state anything. An object either implements an interface or it doesn't. However, that's not what this post is about. No, this is about type assertions and the empty interface.

An empty interface is just that: Empty. That means that any type matches an interface because the empty interface has no requirements, no functions to implement. You could think of the empty interface as a generic type but I think that's misleading. Interfaces are interfaces and types are types. And this leads us to what I want to talk about. Implementing a list type which accepts multiple types, all at once:

type List []interface{}

We've created a slice type which accepts variables of any type. As I've already stated, the empty interface doesn't have any requirements so every type implements its interface, which is why we can use it like this. What's truly brilliant, is that we can use all the slice operations on this new type just like regular slices like ranging through the slice or creating sub-slices. This absolves us from even creating a constructor. If you want to simply create a list of integers do:

l := List{1, 2, 3, 4}

Fan-freakin-tastic, I say! So we've created a list type that behaves like it's dynamically typed. The icing on the cake is that we don't even need to create a custom String() function for our List type, even with nested Lists!

This is great and all except that Go isn't dynamically typed. So, what happens if we create a list of integers and try to add them up? Well, since an interface{} isn't a type, and we try to use the + operator on it, the compiler will fail with an error. So, how can we get around this? Type assertions. We can assert that an element in the list is of a specific type by using a type assertion:


But, there's a problem with that. We don't know what type we might have and we can't guarantee what we've received is what we expect. If we assert that an element in the list is a specific type, and we're wrong, our program will panic and, if not caught, will crash our program. And this, finally, is what I've been wanting to talk about. Thanks to our intrepid Go developers, functions can have multiple return types. In the case of type assertions, we can check to see if the assertion succeeded, which suppresses the panic if we're wrong. So let's write an Accumulate function which performs an operation on our list:

type Operation func(int, int) int

func (l List) Accumulate(f Operation) interface{} {
res := 0
for _, v := range(l) {
if i, ok := v.(int); ok {
res = f(res, i)
if lst, ok := v.(List); ok {
res = f(res, lst.Accumulate(f).(int))
return res

Voila! Now, you'll notice that I've cheated a bit where I assert that the value returned by Accumulate is an integer on line 11, after I test whether the current item in the list is another list. Since I know that Accumulate can only ever return an integer I can be safe in that assumption even though Accumulate returns another empty interface. I could have just made Accumulate return an integer and avoided the type assertion completely but the point was to create a function which could accept and return any type. We might want to be able to concatenate strings or operate on floats. However, I cheated a bit in the implementation details for simplicity's sake. Obviously, if you wanted to write an Accumulate function which accepts lists containing many types different types you'd have to do a bit more work to test what type you received back.

Thankfully, there's another way you can test what type a variable is. If you need your function to accept many different types, you can use an assertion switch. In my case, I didn't need to go that far because I knew I was only dealing with integers and lists of lists. However, I'll show you an example of what it might look like:

func (l List) Accumulate2(f Operation) interface{} {
var res interface{} for _, v := range(l) { switch t := v.(type) { case int: if res == nil { res = 0 } res = f(res.(int), t) case List: if i, ok := t.Accumulate2(f).(int); ok { res = f(res.(int), i) } } } return res

And that, as they say as that! Strictly speaking, you'd have to do a heck of a lot more work if you were to add more types. For one, what would happen if there were strings mixed with ints? Or even floats and bytes? This function only really works if all the elements are of the same type or if elements are other lists. If, though, you do need to wrestle with mixed types in a single list you might need to rethink the problem you're trying to solve!

Hopefully, this has provided you with another tool to add to your toolbox, as it did for me. For the complete source code, go here.

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